Photo: Deutsches Albert-Schweitzer-Zentrum, Frankfurt am Main - (Accessed 02.02.2017)
Page 1:
Photo: Albert Schweitzer, Kanzrain/Gunsbach, 1957 (©Erica Anderson/Archives Centrales Albert Schweitzer Gunsbach) -
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Memoirs of Childhood and Youth. Translated by Kurt Bergel and Alice R. Bergel. Syracuse, New York (USA): Syracuse University Press, 1997, pp. 89 f.
Page 2:
Photo: Albert Schweitzer, London, Restaurant Mettler, 1955 (©Archives Centrales Albert Schweitzer Gunsbach) -
Text: Albert Schweitzer: The Decay and the Restoration of Civilization. The Philosophy of Civilization, Part I. Translated by C. T. Campion. London: A. & C. Black, Ltd., 1923, pp. 48 and 49
Page 3:
Photo: Romain Rolland, romancier: photographie de presse (Agence de presse Meurisse, 1914) - - (Accessed: 20.09.2019) -
Facsimile: - Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (Accessed 20.09.2019)
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Letters, 1905 - 1965; edited by Hans Walter Bähr; translated by Joachim Neugroschel. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992, p. 40
Page 4:
Photo: Albert Schweitzer, Kanzrain/Gunsbach, 1957 (©Erica Anderson/Archives Centrales Albert Schweitzer Gunsbach) -
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Memoirs of Childhood and Youth. Translated by Kurt Bergel and Alice R. Bergel. Syracuse, New York (USA): Syracuse University Press, 1997, pp. 37-39
Page 5:
Photo: Zhang Lu: Laozi Riding an Ox (Ming Dynasty) - (Accessed 20.09.2019)
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Vorträge, Vorlesungen, Aufsätze. Herausgegeben von Claus Günzler, Ulrich Luz und Johann Zürcher. München: Verlag C. H. Beck, München 2003 (Werke aus dem Nachlaß), S. 122 (I. Philosophische Texte, 6) Gifford Lectures, a) Philosophie der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben, Gifford Lecture, I. Serie. November 1934, Edinburgh, 2. Vorlesung, 7. November 1934). Translation: Christian Bartolf / Dominique Miething
Page 6:
Photo: Proclamation of Emancipation by the President of the United States of America (1864), digital file from original print - - Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C., USA - (Accessed: 20.09.2019)
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Letters, 1905 - 1965; edited by Hans Walter Bähr; translated by Joachim Neugroschel. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992, p. 152
Page 7:
Photo: Avec le Dr Percy auscultation d'une personne atteinte d'éléphantiasis (©Archives Centrales Albert Schweitzer Gunsbach) -
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Letters, 1905 - 1965; edited by Hans Walter Bähr; translated by Joachim Neugroschel. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992, p. 292
Page 8:
Photo: Ruine der Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall 1945 (heute: Hiroshima Peace Memorial, Genbaku Domu, Atombombendom, Hiroshima) - (Accessed: 20.09.2019) -
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Peace or Atomic War?: The Danger of an Atomic War (Radio Oslo, Norway, April 29th, 1958), in: Albert Schweitzer: On nuclear war and peace ; edited by Homer A. Jack ; preface by Rhena Schweitzer Miller. Elgin (Illinois, USA): Brethren Press, 1988, p. 80
Page 9:
Photo: Operation Crossroads Atomic Tests in Bikini Atoll, July 1946: Baker Test, 24.7.1946 (National Nuclear Security Administration/Nevada Field Office) - (Accessed 16.01.2017)
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Letters, 1905 - 1965; edited by Hans Walter Bähr; translated by Joachim Neugroschel. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992, p. 290 (To Robert F. Geheen, President of Princeton University, New Jersey (USA), on the occasion of awarding the honorary doctoral degree (Doctor of Law) of Princeton University, text written in Lambaréné, 27 March 1959)
Page 10:
Photo: Albert Schweitzer : [Carte postale, championnat international d'accordéon, coupe d'Alsace, docteur Albert Schweitzer, 11-12 juin 1955] - (Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg) (Accessed 20.09.2019)
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Letters, 1905 - 1965; edited by Hans Walter Bähr; translated by Joachim Neugroschel. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992, pp. 230 f. (To Svenska Morgonbladet, Stockholm, Text written in Lambaréné, 24.2.1952: Was der Menschheit zur Zeit am meisten nottut)
Page 11:
Photo: Albert Schweitzer, Gunsbach, 1957 (©Archives Centrales Albert Schweitzer Gunsbach) -
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Letters, 1905 - 1965; edited by Hans Walter Bähr; translated by Joachim Neugroschel. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992, pp. 231 f. (To Svenska Morgonbladet, Stockholm, Text written in Lambaréné, 24.2.1952: Was der Menschheit zur Zeit am meisten nottut)
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Facsimile: 1952 Nobel Peace Prize certificate for Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Oslo, 10 December 1953 (©Archives Centrales Albert Schweitzer Gunsbach)
Page 13:
Photo: Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Oslo, 4. November 1954 (©Archives Centrales Albert Schweitzer Gunsbach) -
Text: Albert Schweitzer: The Problem of Peace in the World Today (Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech, Oslo, Norway, November 4th, 1954), in: Albert Schweitzer: On nuclear war and peace ; edited by Homer A. Jack ; preface by Rhena Schweitzer Miller. Elgin (Illinois, USA): Brethren Press, 1988, p. 50
Page 14:
Photo: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Stiftung Basel: Albert Schweitzer. Sonderdruck aus Europäische Hefte 1/75 der Stiftung FVS. Hamburg 1975, p. 7: Dr. Albert Schweitzer in conversation with Nobel Laureates Professor Otto Hahn and Professor Werner Heisenberg (Lindau, June/July 1954) -
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Peace or Atomic War?: The Danger of an Atomic War (Radio Oslo, Norway, April 29th, 1958), in: Albert Schweitzer: On nuclear war and peace ; edited by Homer A. Jack ; preface by Rhena Schweitzer Miller. Elgin (Illinois, USA): Brethren Press, 1988, p. 80
Page 15:
Photo: Deutsches Albert-Schweitzer-Zentrum, Frankfurt/Main (Archiv und Museum) - (Accessed 02.02.2017)
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Peace or Atomic War?: Negotiations at the Highest Level (Radio Oslo, Norway, April 30th, 1958), in: Albert Schweitzer: On nuclear war and peace ; edited by Homer A. Jack ; preface by Rhena Schweitzer Miller. Elgin (Illinois, USA): Brethren Press, 1988, p. 91
Page 16:
Photo: Marta and Pablo Casals, United Nations Day Concert at the UN Headquarters, New York City, 24 October 1958 - (Accessed 20.09.2019)
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Letters, 1905 - 1965; edited by Hans Walter Bähr; translated by Joachim Neugroschel. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992, pp. 279 f. (To Pablo Casals, Prades, Text written in Lambaréné, 3.10.1958)
Page 17:
Photo: Dr. Albert Schweitzer and Pablo Casals, Gunsbach 1955 (©Archives Centrales Albert Schweitzer Gunsbach) -
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Letters, 1905 - 1965; edited by Hans Walter Bähr; translated by Joachim Neugroschel. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992, p. 280 (To Pablo Casals, Prades, Text written in Lambaréné, 3.10.1958).
Translation (last three lines): Christian Bartolf / Dominique Miething
Page 18:
Photo: Bertrand Russell and Albert Schweitzer, London, 1955, in: The Schweitzer Album. Portrait in Words and Pictures by Erica Anderson. New York, 1965 -
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Letters, 1905 - 1965; edited by Hans Walter Bähr; translated by Joachim Neugroschel. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992, pp. 321 f. (To Bertrand Russell, London, Text written in Lambaréné, 18.5.1962)
Page 19:
Portraits of Dr. Albert Schweitzer on front pages: Paris Match, 18.9.1965 - Der Spiegel, 21.12.1960 - Life, 19.2.1965 - Time, 11.7.1949 -
Facsimile: Plakat 1958: Arbeitsausschuß Kampf dem Atomtod - (Accessed 20.09.2019) - Stiftung Haus der Geschichte; EB-Nr. 1993/11/0918, Foto: Axel Thünker
Page 20:
Facsimile: Albert Schweitzer - Letter to Karl Häberlen, 18.10.1962 (quoted in: Menuhin, Yehudi / Schweitzer, Albert / Lippman, Walter: Gedanken zur Weltlage, in : Neue Wege, 1964, Band 58, Heft 5, p. 142) - Facsimile on the cover of: Albert Schweitzer: Kultur und Ethik. Sonderausgabe mit Einschluss von Verfall und Wiederaufbau der Kultur. Verlag C.H. Beck München, 1972.
Translation (Christian Bartolf / Dominique Miething):
"I have arrived at the conviction of the reverence for life while writing my book in the loneliness of the jungle between 1914 and 1917. It was then that I realized that culture, true culture, is something spiritual and ethical, namely the noblest and deepest humanity. We still live in inhumanity because we are still contemplating to wage wars with nuclear weapons, as we sank into inhumanity in the last modern wars, without admitting it to us, without being aware of it. It is about the fate of humanity.
And there must be many who are able to have the insight into what our time is about. Anyone who has understood this, must confess and proclaim this."
Page 21:
Photo: Albert Schweitzer with Ava and Linus Pauling, Lambaréné, 15.7.1959 (©Archives Centrales Albert Schweitzer Gunsbach) -
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Theologischer und philosophischer Briefwechsel 1900 - 1965. Edited by Werner Zager with Erich Gräßer, assisted by Markus Aellig, Clemens Frey, Roland Wolf and Dorothea Zager. Verlag C. H. Beck, München 2006, p. 549 f. (To Linus Pauling, Text written in Lambaréné, 25.6.1962)
Page 22a:
Facsimile (Photo by Dr. Stefan Walther, 7 July 2017): Linus Pauling (Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, The Fund for the Republic, Inc., Box 4068, Santa Barbara, California 93103) to Albert Schweitzer, 21 June 1965 (©Archives Centrales Albert Schweitzer Gunsbach)
Facsimile: Correspondence Pauling-Schweitzer 1965 (Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Papers, 1873-2013, Box 360, Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Oregon State University) -
Page 22b:
Facsimile: An Appeal by Recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize (1965), by eight Nobel Peace Prize winners, advocating for an end to the war in Vietnam: (Accessed 20.09.2019)
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Photo: Albert Schweitzer, Gunsbach, 1954 (©Archives Centrales Albert Schweitzer Gunsbach)
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Photo: Albert Schweitzer and Nikos Kazantzakis, Gunsbach, 1955 (©Archives Centrales Albert Schweitzer Gunsbach) -
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Letters, 1905 - 1965; edited by Hans Walter Bähr; translated by Joachim Neugroschel. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992, p. 262 (To Nikos Kazantzakis, 29.6.1955)
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Photo: Albert Schweitzer, Lambaréné (©Archives Centrales Albert Schweitzer Gunsbach)
Page 26:
Photo: Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma (Mohandas Karamchand) Gandhi, All India Congress, Bombay, 6.7.1946
(Photo: Max Desfor) - (Accessed: 20.09.2019) -
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Letters, 1905 - 1965; edited by Hans Walter Bähr; translated by Joachim Neugroschel. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992, pp. 348 f. (To Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, New Delhi, Indian, Text written in Lambaréné, 29.11.1964)
Page 27:
Photo: Rabindranath Tagore, 1909 - (Accessed: 20.09.2019)
Text: Albert Schweitzer: Letters, 1905 - 1965; edited by Hans Walter Bähr; translated by Joachim Neugroschel. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992, p. 351 (To the “Asiatic Society”, Calcutta, India, on the occasion of awarding a medal to Rabindranath Tagore (1963), Text written in Lambaréné, 10.2.1965)
Page 28:
Photo: Adlai Stevenson and Albert Schweitzer, Lambaréné 1957 (©Archives Centrales Albert Schweitzer Gunsbach) -
Text: Adlai Stevenson: An Emissary of Western Civilization, in: Homer A. Jack (ed.): To Dr. Albert Schweitzer : a Festschrift commemorating his 80th birthday : From a few of his friends. Evanston, Ill., 1955, p. 102 f. In German: Der Weltbürger, in: Fritz Buri (ed.): Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben: Albert Schweitzer: Eine Freundesgabe zu seinem 80. Geburtstag, Bern 1955, p. 231
Page 29:
Photo: Frontpage photo with a portrait of Dr. Albert Schweitzer (Paris Match, 18.9.1965) and signature of Dr. Albert Schweitzer (©Archives Centrales Albert Schweitzer Gunsbach)
Page 30: Photo: Martin Buber
(Accessed 20.09.2019)
Text: Martin Buber to Albert Schweitzer, Jerusalem, undated (apparently for the occasion of Schweitzer’s 85th birthday on 14 January 1960. - The page bears the date 15.1.1960 in the upper left corner, written by another person), in: Albert Schweitzer: Theologischer und philosophischer Briefwechsel 1900 - 1965. Edited by Werner Zager with Erich Gräßer, assisted by Markus Aellig, Clemens Frey, Roland Wolf and Dorothea Zager. Verlag C. H. Beck, München 2006, p. 148. Translation: Christian Bartolf / Dominique Miething
Page 31: Facsimile: ©Archives Centrales Albert Schweitzer Gunsbach
Page 32:
Albert Schweitzer: The Problem of Peace (Nobel Lecture). Oslo, November 4, 1954. (Accessed 9.6.2020).
My Address to the People: Text: Albert Schweitzer: My Last Message to Mankind. In: PAX ET LIBERTAS. Published by: The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Centre International, Geneva, Switzerland; Editorial Office: Reading, England), VOLUME 32, No. 1, JANUARY-MARCH, 1967, p. 7
Facsimile: ibid.