"This spring in the religious examination of a secondary school of girls in Moscow, the Professor of Catechism as well as the Bishop had questioned the young girls on the ten commandments and above all on the sixth 'Thou shalt not kill'. When the examinar received good reply, the Bishop generally paused for another question: Is killing proscribed by the sacred Law always and in all cases? And the poor young girls perverted by their teachers must reply: 'No, not always; killing is permitted during war and for the execution of criminals.'
However one of those unfortunate girls (what I relate is not a fiction but a fact that has been transmitted to me by an eye-witness) having been asked the same question, 'Is killing always a crime?', was moved deeply, blushed and replied with decision, 'Yes, always.' To all the sophisticated questions habitual to the Bishop she replied with firm conviction: killing is always forbidden in the Old Testament as well as by Christ who not only forbids killing but all wickedness against our neighbours. Inspite of all his oratorical talent and all his imposing grandeur, the Bishop was obliged to beat a retreat and the young girl came out victorious."