(November 1939)

A poet's ultimatum, remember, was delivered already during the cataclysm of the last war; the answer to it will not come just yet; the last date of the answer is perhaps centuries hence.

Greed's hungry flames mount ever higher
As evil ego's appetite is fed;
The universe it demands as its victual,
Monstrous food mercilessly shames
monstruous hunger ---
And then, O Terrible, with terrific
clash your thunder descends.

And also in another poem ---

Whom do you blame, brothers ?
Bow your heads down !
The sin has been yours and ours.
The heat growing in the heart of God
for ages ---
The cowardice of the weak, the
arrogance of the strong, the greed
of fat prosperity,
The rancour of the wronged, pride of
race, and insult to man ---
Has burst God's peace, raging in storm.
