5.) Empathy
"None can be born untouchable, as all are sparks of one and the same Fire. It is wrong to treat certain human being as untouchables from birth.
This observance is not fulfilled merely by making friends with 'untouchables', but by loving all life as our own selves.
Removal of untouchability means love for, and service of the whole world, and thus merges into Ahimsa (Nonviolence).
Removal of untouchability spells the breaking down of barriers between man and man, and between the various orders of Being. We find such barriers erected everywhere in the world."
6.) World Federation
"There will be an international league only when all the nations, big or small, composing it are fully independent.
The nature of that independence will correspond to the extent of non-violence assimilated by the nations concerned.
One thing is certain. In a society based on non-violence, the smallest nation will feel as tall as the tallest. The idea of superiority and inferiority will be wholly obliterated."