The people of every nation are being deluded by their rulers saying to them, ‘You, who are governed by us, are all in danger of being conquered by other nations; we are watching over your welfare and safety. And consequently we demand of you annually some millions of roubles - the fruit of your labour – to be used by us in the acquisition of arms, cannon, powder and ships for your defence; we also demand that you yourselves shall enter institutions organised by us where you will become senseless particles of a huge machine - the army - which will be under absolute control. On entering this army you will seize to be men with wills of your own; you will simply do what we require of you. But what we wish, above all else, is to exercise dominion; the means by which we dominate is killing therefore we will instruct you to kill.’
Two Wars (August 15, 1898)
Doukhobor Organizers of the Burning of Arms
in Kars Province, 1895.
From Left to Right:
Ivan I. Planidin, Peter I. Dorofeev,
Grigory V. Verigin, Pavel V. Planidin,
Semyon E. Chernov